Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Tips For Becoming A Concert Cellist

By Marisol Guy

The life of a concert cellist is one of hard work, passion, and determination. The greatest musicians of all time were not born great, they worked hard for it. While many of the best cellists in the world may not be as well known as other musician, do it for the love of the instrument, and not for world wide fame. The competition among them is high, and the roles are few. This makes for a small group of exceptionally talented individuals to compete with.

There are many great cellist that have lived, and most of them started at a very young age. The minds of children are very adaptable and pick up new skills and information with great ease. This makes it incredible important for parents to start their children on the path to music at a very young age. Children are very influential, if they grow up surrounded by music they may be more interested in it when they get older as well.

To be the best you must study with the best. Finding a teacher who is accomplished and incredibly talented is another important factor in reaching the end goal of concert cellist. There are many people out there who are more than capable of teaching the cello, but many can not teach the ability to be great.

Practice is the most important aspect of success in any career. While learning may come easily to some people, they can never achieve perfection except with mind numbing repetition. Even the greatest cellist continue to practice and hone their skills, and these are the people who will be competed with. Goals need to be set for every practice session, and a strong desire to reach the top is needed to reach the level of success of the greatest.

No one can be the best at what the do with equipment that is inadequate. This is true for any profession. Having a cello that is insufficient can be detrimental to a musicians career. Even if they are the best, this faulty instrument can make them sound amateur, and could be the thing that costs them the audition. An investment in a great instrument may be the thing that makes or breaks a career.

Audition as much as you possibly can, as soon as you feel you are good enough to play for audiences. You may not be good enough to get the role but the exposure you will get will help you to gain the confidence you will need to get roles in the future. This can also be a great way to get feedback from experts to help you improve your skills.

Last of all, never give up. This is the key ingredient to success in any field. The great and famous didn't get to where they are by giving up when they were knocked down. To compete with the best you must be the best, and the only way to get to that level of success is by continuing down the path until the end. There have undoubtedly been many people who could have been great, but gave up to soon.

For a concert cellist life is music. The instrument is their vehicle into the future, and the only way to drive it is through constant effort and a strong passion for the music. At the end the results are a beautiful sound and a successful career.

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