Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Jeff Andrews Bass Player An Innovative Personality

By Myrtle Cash

Jeff Andrews bass player is a famous guitar player who played with many well known bands. He played and recorded with Mike stern, vital information, Jimi Tunnell etc. He started working on guitar since his childhood because he lived in an area where a lot of bands used to work. He recognized that these bands are in need of a bass maestro so he practiced it.

He began training with his guitar in his early 13. With the regularly emerging opportunities in his area he got to work regularly. He got involved with many bands in that area. He states that he learned everything by hearing records. He studies the music in theory at Baltimore, Maryland. These all brushed his natural talent.

His next stop was Berkley College of music where he learned extensive points of music. He states that his original music practice and education began when he shifted to New York. Here in New York he managed to involve with professionals and learn from them. He describes that he practices daily so he is learning daily. Acoustic bass and guitar are his main area of interests but he also like to perform using electric bass.

At the time of his music training he has spent most of his time with electric guitar. He had met the other professionals and people when he uses to play in small bar of a village. Accidentally he met Mike Stern and he offered to work with him for his play sessions even Mike Stern also accepted his offer and they started working together. This partnership has run for 10 years long.

He loves to be in studios and he loves recording so he established his personal studio. He spends some time in studios before starting the recording process. He is planning to release his solo with the company Art of Life Records. He visited Germany and Austria of concerts which gave him inspiration.

He is a performer and a successful teacher as he teaches privately in New York and also in Manhattan School of Music. 4 and 5 strings are his favorites and he performed 6 strings occasionally. He draws his inspiration from many famous performers like Ron Carter and Paul chambers. As per his guidelines, one needs to listen to good music if he wants to be successful musician. He also believes that dreaming and working hard to visualize that dream is also an important factor to be a great musician.

Reading and scuba diving are the hobbies of this musician. Unlike the normal guitar, this one is quite unique and it needs some skills and regular practice to play it effectively. This comes with longer neck which holds long scales on it. Jazz, fusion, funk etc are the some genres which make use of this instrument.

Jeff Andrews bass player is popular because of his innovative ideas in music industry. His future plan includes recording his tracks in his own studio. Just like every musician he loves making music which gives him his peace of mind. Budding musicians can learn some things from such personalities which help them to create their future.

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