Senin, 10 Maret 2014

Show Your Colors And Taste With Kush Friendly

By Jaclyn Hurley

The Kush friendly brand is focused on quality and standing up in the fight against the misguided culture of cannabis prohibition. The focus is not so much the question of why people have this culture, but rather why it persists. It began as a side issue in the deliberations of the League of Nations' Opium focus in the 20s of the last century, the ban is maintained through the years and why this is makes no sense.

It will not take a lot to convince you that the only thing relevant to cannabis prohibition, is the prohibition itself and its survival, rather than the stories that are told about cannabis and its dangers. During a certain time, why the ban originated, and which authorities stood to benefit from it in any way, is of course important, and also nice to give you some background on the issue. You can instantly realize that the New York Police Department benefits from it, for example.

It is not their ambition to answer the question of what dangers are wrongfully attributed. Cannabis supporters realize that these dangers are not recognized in Greece, Sweden, Holland and Belgium. Having the same hazards described in different ways depending on the country or political culture has led to a lot of change between 1936 and 2007.

You can ask European researchers across the pond to answer why cannabis is prohibited in their countries by the main bodies of their national enforcement systems. They will all reply, in very interesting ways, try it for yourself. The Swedish do it because cannabis is seen there as a stepping stone to other drugs, because it fosters apathy, and they have even accused the plant of causing schizophrenia. They believe that it can cause dependence, and various levels of psychosis.

Jehoiada Verrips is an anthropologist whose work has a fascination in the religious background of ritual murders in early 20th century in Europe. The murders and the need for them would be felt as a divine commandment, they cleared the perpetrators, liberated them from a defilement that was first transferred to the victims. According to Verrips, the victims here are people, but also plants!

The actual effects have not been tested in the different political systems and people in the world are told quite seriously about these facts, which are baseless. These lies keep extending their own shelf life and thus flow across the world into some or other form of active enforcement of cannabis prohibition. In addition, all sorts of different mixtures of stories that depend on complex historical developments in different political systems have been added to spice up the lies.

Another interesting observation about the nature of the stories about the dangers of this innocent (and proven to have cause no deaths in the last 2 decades and more) plant can be found in a famous article by Jerome Himmelstein. The work was called 'From weed killer to drop out drug'. The author describes the relatively short period of the existence of the cannabis ban in the U. S., and the way that the powers that be justify it.

Levine concludes from numerous interviews that there are a number of benefits to the NYC cannabis arrests. It delivers very high production figures. The police needed a style of management, for which statistics of 'production' are required. It also provides police officers with a much-needed overtime, through relatively easy and risk-free work. Stand up for what you know to be true and wear quality garments, showing your support for truth.

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