Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

Information For Popular Vampire Book Series

By Jocelyn Davidson

Numerous popular types of books are available to readers in every age group. A few of the vampire book series are at the top end of a bestselling list, and some others are underground and known well by those who follow authors. Below are a couple story lines that new readers will be able to find.

A long running and very popular cable television show is based on this reading material. The very innocent lead female is a waitress who meets her first blood sucker while at work. The night dwelling focus of the story takes place in a time where they are known all over and no longer living in secret, where their presence is not acknowledged. The first male of the clan begins a torrid love affair with her and begins the drama.

This story offers drama where werewolves, shape shifters, fairies and many other supernatural beings are always included. From a natural hatred for the fanged to the love triangles of the fairy born, it offers rivalries between all types of warm and cold blooded alike. The female author has had more than twelve in her arsenal for readers to delve into. The show is now cancelled, but viewers will continue to watch reruns and will now go to the author to continue following the lives of those therein.

One more option at the top is a very dramatic love story and a family of cold ones that ends with a child that is only half human. The lead female's best friend is a man who has a serious crush on her to start, and tells her his tribe made a pact with the others eons of years ago. The tribe then turned to wolves to protect locals from them when the pact was discarded the first time.

A sparkly pale boyfriend on the left and a werewolf on her right, she is in a hard spot to choose. The love affair with her boyfriend the pale skinned results in her leaving family behind. Since she carries in her veins the substance that sustains their life, her boyfriend says he will turn her into his kind after she is eighteen.

She holds issue with this because it will make her older than him when he turned, and he never wanted for her to be anything but human to begin with. Her best friend warns her against it, and says they cannot be around each other again after this because it will again break the pact. She offers no apology and her man goes forward with her plan but only on the condition that she marry him first.

She indeed completes her end of the deal and then on the honeymoon begins her fight with carrying a half cold child. She dies trying to give birth, but the new husband does as he promised and turns his wife so that she awakens with a new hunger for warm blood. She lives as a type of vegetarian and learns to deal with her hunger as her new family has done, while her old friend the werewolf imprints on her child. The daughter won't ever be in danger or need anything, as he strives to be all that she will ever need.

All of these as well as many other different kinds of authors offer a minimum of three books for fans to keep up with their favorite make believe lives. Everything from the normal looking person to the supernatural beings offered there is something to keep the twists and turns coming. For details on this or other stories, contact a nearby bookstore.

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