Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Rethinking Points For A Counter Terrorism Fiction Novel

By Ines Flores

Americans have gotten so accustomed to the media lying that at least half of them do not believe they are ever told the truth. The 911 Commission Report started it, making claims that defy sound reasoning and physics; based on documentation that was 90% censored from the Commissioners who investigated the event. It causes one to ponder just who would the terrorists be in a counter terrorism fiction novel.

Sad truth is that most Americans at least question the official narrative of all recent terrorist attacks. These run from 911 to the London 7-7, and the most recent Parish shooting where the policeman who was supposedly shot, clearly was not. Whomever the Minister of Information is, they failed at removing the clip where the shooter hit the concrete a foot away from the officer.

So now Americans must wonder who that officer is or was, and whether or not he is dead or alive. If he is dead, then they must wonder who killed him and when. These are questions the average citizen of the United States is asking, but the average media outlet pretends that footage never existed and puts up a bunch of talking heads who claim to be experts on terror.

The people are the only counter terrorist organization that need to be created, in the form of political watchdogs getting the corruption out of central government. The world governments are becoming a hegemonic force when all they are meant to be is administrative. Instead it has become 1984 where the people spy on each other and the Secret Service are the only thing to fear.

It makes the people of America wonder who is acting as the Minister of Propaganda novels when a book comes out supporting the notion that the whole world is held captive by the evil Islamic stranglehold. Most Muslim people, like most people, are barely getting by. Yet everyone is supposed to believe that they scrounged up the resources to organize something on the scale of the Mumbai shootings.

Now Americans are almost amused when they think back to that clearly drugged Muslim man who was helped onto a plane by a well-dressed man appearing to be of Indian or Middle Eastern heritage. This Muslim, who was on a terror watch list, was permitted on the plane without ID, passport, a ticket, or even any luggage. He was reportedly quite high when he made his debut as the Underwear Bomber.

Next scene in the dog and pony show involves a movie theater shooting where witnesses saw two shooters, but the media still reports a lone gunman. This lone gunman apparently had two gas masks and fired tear gas grenades into the crowd from more than one direction. Americans just want GPS coordinates for the CIA Supermarket that sold him grenades, but alas he was too drugged in court to answer any questions.

The best clip has to come from the Sandy Hook shooting. People claiming to be parents of a slain child are seen laughing and cutting up with people from the news company just before going on live TV. The laughter stops abruptly as the whole world watches these two people go into character before announcing the death of their child. A child who, one of several killed, was reportedly clipped military style, double tap to the head, strategic hits in less than thirty seconds by a drugged young man with disabilities.

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