Senin, 28 November 2011

Frases Romanticas - Romantic Spanish Sayings

By Lubna Rugan

I finally got a chance to write about frases romanticas. For those who still aren't sure of the meaning, it translates to romantic phrases. I really don't know where to start with all this. When I think of frases romanticas, I wonder what isn't there to love about them... they are ever so romantic, lovely, and have the ability to create a lifetime of memories. They are highly regarded, and this is rightly so.

Alright, here is just one example of a saying:

"Si tuviese una rosa para cada vez que pienso en ti, estara siempre paseando por un jardn"

This Means:

If I had a rose for every time I think of you, I would be walking through a never-ending garden.

That is very beautiful, and should be used by either a man or woman. Contrary to what many believe, men love hearing frases romanticas just as much as women do. This is a very true statement, although they don't show it all too often.

A word of advice? Never shy away from using such sayings to make an impact on a person you care for. Not only is it not worth it, it usually produces a feeling of regret later because you didn't act on what you felt when you had the opportunity.

I realize that a majority of the population are human, and encounter nerves and anxiety that don't permit them to say such things with ease. There are a lucky handful of people that are free from nerves and such, but for the majority, we have to deal with this.

The best thing to conquer any of those fears is to rid of all worries. Live in the moment, be yourself, and have no regrets. If anything, something that has helped me with nerves is to close my eyes and visualize the thing that causes the nerves. I then envision that day of needing to face that, and then the idea of having dealt with the situation successfully.

I have done this time and time again with great results. It has worked well for me, and can do the same for you.

In summary, such sayings are powerful beyond comprehension... people don't often realize that, but they really are. Get online once a while and take a look at more frases romanticas that might be of use to get some good information.

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