Kamis, 21 November 2013

The Best Of The Best Movies Of 2013, We Declare

By Mickey Jhonny

It's true of course that "best" is a bit of a slippery term. It kind of depends on who you're asking and what standards, personal or otherwise, they're applying. Plus, the year ain't quite over yet and your faithful reporter cannot claim to have seen the second part of The Hobbit yet, so, all bets are hedged on that one.

We're going to go out on a limb, though and anticipate that - since they were produced more or less simultaneously - part 2 will share the first installment's virtues and vices: which is to say, somewhat fresher humor than was expected, but a tad excessive on the action front. Lord of the Rings mostly did well striking the right balance between action and introspection. (You know, all that dark night of soul, battling the evil within, stuff.) Part one of the Hobbit erred too much in the direction of the action genre. Hope reigns supreme though that the second part will recover the initial recipe of the franchise's success. The jury is still out.

Otherwise, though, the field is pretty well revealed. Considering what's been already released, and screenings achieved by our secret sources, ahead of the general population, confidence oozes as we declare for the best movies of 2013 - or, rather, the best movie! Some will suggest that the decision is made by the people. They have cast their ballots with the laying down of their hard earned money.

The winner in this category would appear to be Iron Man 3, which this morning Box Office Mojo had listed as pushing $410 million Shekels gross. This fact, I confess, blows my mind. Who would have predicted that the star of The Pick-Up Artist and Two Girls and a Guy, or the purveyor of Larry Paul from the Ally McBeal show, would wind up being the superhero star of a megabuck successful action franchise? Not I. That's almost as weird as Tobey Maguire being the superhero star of a megabuck successful action franchise. Almost as weird.

But, gentle sirs (and ladies), by no means is The Best Movies of 2013 dot Net a democracy. We'll have none of that, here. We have our own esoteric and somewhat elitist standards, thank you. And, I assure you, bums in seats ain't it. We have to at least give honorable mention to a film that many will consider the best of the year. Sound City is a wonderful documentary that tells the story of one of the treasures of American rock and pop music. Tucked away in the San Fernando Valley, this remarkable studio, on the strength of its technical superiority became a recording Mecca for many of contemporary music's iconic figures.

From Fleetwood Mac and Neil Young to Nirvana and Metallica, they came to refine their sound. The story is told through the experience many of the iconic musicians that found and benefited from the acoustic magic. No arguing that this film is a great experience. It's highly recommended, but, come on, now. You know we're not so namby-pamby as to declare a documentary as our best movie of the year.

Instead, here at Best Movies of 2013, we're getting ahead of the curve and declaring the soul scorching Le Week-End as the best film of the year. No, it's not a foreign film (that would be as bad as declaring a doc best movie). The Frenchish sounding title denotes the location of the action, set in Paris. There a Brit couple, fantastically portrayed by amazingly still hauntingly beautiful Lindsay Duncan and the almost always compelling Jim Broadbent.

It would be a shame to give too much away. The dialogue is too die for, with all its bite and subtle insinuation. Let's just say, if you enjoyed Richard Linklater's Before Sunset series, just try picturing the barbs and retorts that might be forthcoming from Jesse and Celine in the twilight of their relationship. Then you'll have some idea.

Special mention too has to be made of the wonderful supporting contribution of Jeff Goldblum. He's becoming a master of these colorful supporting roles later in his career. This still isn't up to the spooky, darkly menacing performance in Igby Goes Down, but it's still mighty fine. It is a performance for which the tall guy will long be remembered.

So, that's our story and we're sticking with it. There were some other really good movies in 2013, which have received a well deserved not. It is though Le Week-End, dark and brooding, funny and cruel, scorching the soul and maybe welling up just a tear or two, which is our pick for the very best movie of 2013. And, if you think we're wrong, well, tell us why.

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