Minggu, 06 September 2015

Pixels & The Idea Of Utilizing Fleet Graphics

By Robin Setser

"Pixels" was an interesting film when I first saw the trailer. I saw many different video game icons, ranging from Donkey Kong to Pac-Man, and I was curious to see just how well the filmmakers would put these licenses to use. However, as time went on, I found myself less and less enthused to see the film in question. Marketing can play a huge role in the success of a movie, though, and I have to wonder if fleet graphics could have changed things.

I am of the opinion that fleet graphics could have made a difference, no matter how minimal. According to companies the likes of JMR Graphics, these wraps are not only made with physical durability in mind, but the visual component cannot be overlooked either. Any business that has implemented these graphics in the past will not say differently. With that said, though, could "Pixels" have been helped by this reliable method of marketing?

I am sure that, if designed well, fleet graphics could have helped "Pixels" early on. It's easy to see why this movie generated interest, at the start, since it featured a number of iconic characters and identities from gaming culture. Donkey Kong and the Space Invader aliens are just a few examples, but they can be easily identified by anyone who's even remotely knowledgeable about games. With that said, I have a hard time believing that these graphics could have made a bigger impact for "Pixels."

It seemed like the moment that "Pixels" made it to theaters, negative press came from all corners of the Internet. Most of it focused on the poor writing and comedy, which did not help to make this admittedly visually striking film any more worthwhile. As a matter of fact, I have a hard time believing that even the best cast and crew could have made "Pixels" a more believable film. Instead, it became nothing short of a disappointment for those who were once eager to see it.

While it's difficult to believe that "Pixels" could have been helped by fleet graphics, in the long run, this isn't to say that other brands should overlook them. In fact, these wraps are nothing short of effective when they are designed well. Of course, the products and services illustrated must be accounted for as well. You want to present deals and opportunities for clients to be accountable for. If this is done, there will be no denying the impact associated with these very graphics.

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