Senin, 11 April 2016

Preparing As A Keynote Speaker

By Anthony West

Event organizers endeavor to have a climax to their occasion with a message that will keep the spirits of attendants together until the next gathering. This message is to be delivered by the keynote speaker. The organizers or managers therefore make a deliberate search and want a person who can deliver to their expectation. Speakers must therefore work with organizers to actualize this.

Having been given the mandate to address the gathering, how should you prepare and deliver your speech? You begin by knowing the mission of your client. Each audience and organization is different. Discuss with your client and identify the purpose of the gathering. As you prepare, consider the possibility of change. Understand the dynamics that could change the audience or format for the meeting on the night before you make your address.

Speakers deliver their messages in a unique way. This is the consideration made by your client during short listing. Some are motivators while others instruct, share experiences or entertain. In most cases, your background or character informs the choice. You are therefore expected to live up to the billing. Failure to maintain character leads to a fatal miss meaning that the expectations of the audience are not met.

The timing for main address depends on the organizers and structure of the conference. This creates a possibility of addressing the gathering at the beginning, in the middle or even at the end. Appearing at the opening is a signal that your role is to set the agenda. Addressing the gathering in the middle is meant to refocus the discussion and fuel it towards a set climax. Should your speech come towards the end, it is designed to cement what has been said and send off the crowd with a resonating idea in anticipation of the next conference.

Guest speakers must learn to connect with the audience. This means a deeper understanding of mission, purpose and theme of the conference. You must be aware of special challenges facing the organization and find a way to resolve them. Read their mood and prepare tension and release moments that resonate with their moods and expectations.

Each audience and timing is different. As such, customize your speech to the audience depending on their situation and composition. You should appear to speak personally to the lowest as well as the highest ranking individual in the gathering. Remember their tragedies and triumphs as though you are one of them. Refer to their history and address their aspirations. This is the way to speak to their hearts.

Speakers delivering keynote address are selected for a reason. In most cases, organizers are looking for some uniqueness that fits well within the year, month, day and timing of the conference. They expect that your address will fit within the prevailing context better than any other person. This calls for a unique and memorable presentation that can never be delivered by any other person.

Time and pacing are of essence for every speaker. The longest duration you are supposed to take 45minutes. It also should not be less than 30minutes. Find a style that is characteristic of you, the organization and your audience. Make the presentation flawless ensuring that you punch occasionally to maintain attention.

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