Kamis, 02 Maret 2017

Advaita Or Non-Dualism Is What One Should Follow

By Alex D White

The philosophy of non-duality is seeking oneness; it is spiritual have a scientific understanding of not being separated and also having the basic amenity of being one. The philosophers and sages after going through thousands of years have acquired the deep inner consciousness and now they realize that everything is one, originated from the same thing and each and everything that we see and believe is a part of a single creation.

It can be considered as the consciousness, which simply means we are the existence of a single consciousness, otherwise known as Advaita, Spirit and so on. It is the only thing that remains constant, always present and cannot be interchanged and brings out the essence of every existence.

There is no actual meaning or explanation for the word non-duality, because one can only experience non-dualism and not understand by learning about it. The thought of living the dualistic thought and following the non-dualistic for is itself duality in nature.

People are also known to experience non-duality through meditation or spiritual practices, while performing certain activity or without doing anything by becoming self-aware. Try to refer to this, have you ever felt deeply unsatisfied or intensely unhappy, it can be considered as you realizing that there is a state of freedom, which is known as non-duality. The need of being happy and satisfied will give rise to the curiosity of being non-dual and non-separated.

Non-duality is known to have a lot of meaning that one can think or know of. However, the best definition can be considered as non-duality being the spiritual, scientific and philosophical understanding of not being separated and basics of being one. The followers of non-dualism believe in the thought of all being one. This thought doesn't only as an abstract sense but is considered to be the truth at the deepest level of existence.

Duality is basically an illusion; separation between two different existing individuals is just an illusion, which the saints following Advaita philosophy have long understood. Both the eastern and the western science acknowledge oneness and do understand that the theory behind the illusion. Most probably one can see duality in such different forms, duality in mind and matter, oneself and other, being conscious and unconscious, reality and illusion and so on. Non-duality can simply be explained as the identification of the common dualisms which avoid recognition of the real truth of the reality.

Everything that you are seeking or looking for cannot be found in the future, as because it is already present in you, which can be experienced in the present itself, in the current moment itself. The awareness or consciousness that you are looking for is what you are.

Things that are scientifically proven are needed to go through deep scrutiny and even after that they are subjected to change in the future. The second aspect includes self, realization, getting self-aware that everything that we seek, perceive, identify as the real world is not actually what we think of it. The realization or awareness of inner self cannot be explained but only experienced when one tries to. Seekers say that the mind, self and the spirit when becomes one, then one can experience the philosophy of non-duality.

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