Senin, 13 Mei 2019

What A Beginning Musician Needs To Know About Caring For Single And Double Reed Musical Instruments

By Charles Turner

It is not uncommon for most beginning players to look at buying a second hand instrument. If you are looking at buying a used single or double reed instrument you need to know what to look for. If you have a little knowledge when you start your search it can increase your chances of getting a great deal instead of a dud that you will never end up playing.

If you have taken a close look at a saxophone or clarinet, you have likely seen what appears to be a piece of bamboo or wood clamped onto the mouthpiece. That is a single reed. Other instruments such as the oboe, bassoon and English horn have different mouthpieces that look like a single piece of wood that has been folded in half with a space in between. That is also the reed. When the player clamps the end with their lips and blows through, the wind causes the mouthpiece to vibrate.

If you are new to the world of woodwinds you may be surprised at the variety of options available. They tend to fall into two categories. The type of mouthpiece will determine which category a particular option will fall into. Clarinets, saxophones and bass clarinets have a single reed. Oboes, English horns and bassoons have a mouthpiece that is made from two pieces of reed that are strapped together.

Moisture can be a huge problem for woodwinds of all kinds. It is normal for it to build up as our breath usually contains quite a bit of moisture in it. You should make a point of wiping out your woodwind each time you practice or perform. This will make sure that it is not getting damaged when it sits in the case between uses.

Something that is often overlooked is the cork that lines the areas where a woodwind's sections connect. Check it carefully. Is it dry and cracked? Are pieces of the cork missing? If they are the sections may not fit together properly and may be quite expensive to repair. Only you will know whether it is something you are willing to pay for.

Most woodwind instruments have pads that can be pressed with the fingers to cover and open holes. These pads are often worked by means of metal buttons that are located close to where a player's fingers would naturally rest during play. You do need to check them every so often to make sure that they are easy to open and close. Check the felt that lines these pads as they may need replacing from time to time.

You should look at the outside of the instrument to make sure that it is in good condition. If it has been neglected you may find that the finish shows permanent marks that cannot be cleaned off or polished away. If the wood looks cracked or the metal looks pitted it may mean that you should avoid buying it altogether. Repairing it to make it playable may be quite expensive.

There are many places where you can purchase supplies such as reeds, cleaning products and other items that are needed to look after your instrument properly. Building a good relationship with the staff at these stores can be a good idea as you may need their services if your instrument ever needs repairs or more intensive TLC. If you know other players, you may want to ask them where they go to purchase supplies and have their instruments tuned up.

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