Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Blend Fun and Creativity into Your Photos

By James Hardens

Evening Photography

By using night photography, you'll have the chance to shoot adventurous photography. From shooting light trails of the starts using extended exposure times to chasing after fireflies, you'll find that the smallest details seem to come to life in the evening. From these sparks of imagination, you'll be able to fuel your creative powers far into the early hours of the morning.

Although some photographers are naturally nocturnal, most are not. But, unless you venture out for the evening, you may never discover which you are. Especially when it comes to the eye for night photography, you may find you have a knack for creating evening magic. To increase your chances of capturing those bursts of spontaneity, set your aperture to priority mode so you only need select your focal length on que.

Bright, Clear Days

During cloud-dotted, bright blue skies, you may find the inspiration you need from watching shapes take form and dissipate with the wind. Visiting a nearby park can often allow you the larger view that you need, and in the end, give way to some of the still life that is available there. (Watch out for the exciting motion of life, too)!

If spring is in the air, you may capture incredible blooming opportunities from radiant flowers. Or, with the lengthening of daylight, find that the dazzling display of color prompts excellence and emotion that you never anticipated. In this case, fluffy clouds become the reflection of those brilliant colors softened to warm, muted beauty.

Creating Your Own Adventure

The next time you think you're bored, venture out for the evening with your camera. As you walk along the street, you will be overcome by the interesting subjects that seem to cross your path or the finest of details that have been so long overlooked. Here is your chance to experiment with setting adjustments that you've never had time to play with before. With any scene, you can change the depth of field by moving it almost to the horizon and expand your range of clarity to meet it.

Adventures to national parks or historic locations can be a great opportunity to try bracketing speeds and aperture settings for a variety of effects. With waterfalls or fountains, trails of light, and other moving subjects, the shutter speed is more important then depth of field, but you can use manual exposures for best results. While exploring the technical details, have fun remembering that photography never need be an overly serious profession, but a joy and adventure in creativity!

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