Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Follow those 3 Powerful Guidelines to Become an Astonishing Blues Guitar Player

By Alfredo Menezi

Have you been struggling a lot lately with your guitar practices? Do you find it frustrating when you realize that you've put in a lot of work into your practice and yet you don't have a lot to show for it? When you first started learning the guitar like everybody else, you must have found it real hard at the beginning, and that's quite normal.

Sometimes, during your practice, you will see yourself doing some enormous progress while some other time your progress will be a little bit slower, but don't worry, I have some pretty helpful tips that you can apply to your routine. Let me first start by saying that I'm not some regular guy writing an article about the guitar, I'm actually a guitar player myself, so I do know what I'm talking about. Some of the tips written below might not sound too appealing to you at first but follow them and try them like I tell you to, and you will see your skills improving a lot quicker than what you would have thought possible.

I called them "The 3 Ps of learning guitar the right way"! Yeah I know what you are wondering.. What am I talking about? What are the 3 Ps that I'm writing about? Well. The 3 Ps simply stand for Perseverance, Practice and Patience! Not highly complicated fancy words but instead, simple words with huge meanings behind them. Take those 3 Ps seriously and see how quickly and more fun learning the guitar will become and here's why:

PERSEVERANCE: Like I've said earlier, when you decide to learn something new, it's never easy at first but it does not mean that you should give up! Having some trouble at the beginning is quite normal, but you need to keep at it if you want to achieve your desired target. Do your best and PERSEVERE IN YOUR WORK as much as you possibly can and sooner rather than later, success will be yours.

PRACTICE: I'm supposing you already know the importance of this one....... Practice Makes Perfect, right? Almost every guitar technique that is hard to play at first, become super easy with time and practice, so don't ignore it, practice religiously. STAY FOCUS at what you do and try to practice as often as possible, preferably everyday.

PATIENCE: Here's another important ingredient to becoming a good guitarist that most people don't like to hear; having to BE PATIENT! I know most people don't like hearing that, but unfortunately for you, it is undoubtedly true. Nothing will magically happen overnight, you'll need to be patient and with time the results that you've been waiting for will start to naturally appear.

I know that maybe those 3 Ps that I have written about might not sound too appealing to you right now but believe me when I say that you will definitely improve a lot if you do them seriously. Okay, maybe many of you are already doing SOME of the stuffs that I wrote about and yet they haven't seen any major improvements but this time do them differently! What I mean is, apply ALL those little tips like I've told you to and I'm 100% sure you won't regret it.

In addition to everything that I have written in this article that I'm sure will greatly improve your guitar skills rapidly, there's another thing that you could do to really BOOST YOUR guitar learning process by 200 - 300 %! Try learning how to play guitar by using this special tool and you'll be asking yourself why haven't you used that before.

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