Kamis, 20 November 2014

Read A Saint Francis Of Assisi Biography

By Christa Jarvis

Many people enjoy reading biographies for the insight they provide into the lives of interesting individuals. Reading a Saint Francis of Assisi biography reveals more about the life of a medieval saint. An author writing about him would have much material to draw from as several of his disciples wrote about him and there are also poems, letters and liturgical writings to examine.

From these documents it is evident how he captured the hearts of people around him with his devotion and passion. Many stories are told about his compassion as well as his love of animals and power over them. In his early years, there was little indication of the type of man he would eventually become.

He was born in a hill-town in Umbria where his father was a wealthy merchant and as a young man his father gave him plenty of money to spend on clothing and entertainment. He did not take much interest in learning or in the business of his father. He was described at this stage of his life as gallant, handsome and courteous with a ready wit.

During a petty war between his town and another small town he became a prisoner for a full year. He also suffered some illness and slowly his thoughts turned more to things spiritual. A significant event at this time was when he gave all the money on him to a leper. He began devoting much attention to the poor and sick after this.

Taking to the highways, he lived a life of poverty, and spread his message to all he came across. His passion drew attention and he soon had a band of followers. Some were rich individuals who believed in his message fervently enough to give up all they owned.

Papal approval was eventually given to this band of brothers who were called the Friars Minor (Little Brothers). They believed that as followers of Christ, they too should have nowhere to lay their heads but when given the chapel of Porzuincola by the Benedictines, they accepted use the grounds for building some simple huts. This became the first Franciscan convent. It was not long before communities like this developed all over.

The desire for a contemplative life was strong but so too was the desire to convert the infidels. This inspired missions outside of Italy. After some time away, he returned to find that in his absence, the order had made changes felt necessary to cope with the increased numbers and bring more organization. He was unhappy with these changes as he felt there had been a drift away from the simplicity and vows of poverty the order was known for.

Some time before his death in 1226 at the age of only 44 or 45 he was praying on the mountainside when he saw a vision and stigmata appeared on his body. One of the brothers who was with him at the time described a wound in his right side and nails in both his hands and feet. This is just one incident in the life of a remarkable man who not only manage to inspire his contemporaries but whose life story still has much interest for modern readers.

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