Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Some Useful Marketing Ideas For An Advertising Photographer

By Matthew Lee

Many photographers choose to do commercial photography after perfecting their skill. This could be for the need to search for greener pastures or as a hobby. However, this level of photography is not always a walk on the park. It calls for patience, dedication and proper marketing of your work to get reliable clients. Before getting discouraged, any aspiring advertising photographer can use the following ideas to market their work and enjoy success in this field.

To begin with, you need to have the right tools. For instance, there is a need to learn how to use photoshop as a tool. This software will enable you to alter your photos to fit the needs of your clients. Also, invest in a professional camera, stands and props. All these come in handy when you want to come up with appealing photography that will sell you out.

Once you have your tools ready, it is time to go out their and market your talent. Many organizations are in need of photographers specializing in this area. However, they want to hire only those they are sure will give excellent results. This makes it necessary to find ways to make prospective clients gain confidence in you and offer you an opportunity.

You could begin by working for free just to get the desired exposure. Think about a charity organization within your area where you can volunteer your photography skills anytime they have an event. Ask them to allow you to offer your services for free. When you came to the event share your business cards and network with people as much as possible.

Create a website detailing your service. Make sure to a pop up feature that prompts anyone who visits your websites to key in their email address. After which the client is guided to a free download pdf file which has fine details of your business. Thereafter, use this address and send a personal email to each person persuading them to consider your shooting business in future.

You can design a customized stamp which bears the name of your company and contacts together with some eye catching words to attract prospective customers. Every other time you take photos and print it you ensure that you have stamped it at the back with your customized stamp. Those viewing the photo will have a clear way to contact you in case they need your services.

On the same breath, try old school methods of marketing such as sharing as many business cards as possible as well as getting contacts from potential clients in an event you attend. Be ready with your cameras to take photos of the proceedings for display. Immediately after the event, you may pitch a tent somewhere strategic and stick some of the photos to let the potential clients see the quality of your work.

Another way to market your services is through offices of your friends. Ask them to allow you to pin your images in their office walls. However, create a captivating, beautiful, extraordinary landscape photo of middle size to fit where you want to pin it. This will draw those clients visits such offices and can end up calling you for business.

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