Rabu, 03 Januari 2018

Guidelines For Winning Online Digital Art Contests

By Angela Howard

There are so many benefits to participating in competitions. Whether you are new to this or whether you have been doing it for a while, chances are that you definitely want to win. Here is some advice that will help to boost the odds of you becoming a winner in online digital art contests.

The main thing that you want to be sure of is that if you win the competition you will get the promised award. Therefore, before you take part in a competition, you have to carry out due diligence first. This is to establish that the competition is indeed genuine. You do not want to end up wasting your time to join a competition only to realize later on that it was a huge scam. So check out the organizers and their sponsors to ensure that they are legitimate.

Increase your odds of winning by being a part of more than one competition. You can enter two or more competitions simultaneously. There are no limits as to how many competitions you can enter, so do not feel shy about taking part in many competitions. Also, note down all the competitions that you are a part off, so that you can keep an eye on each one of them.

Know what the rules and regulations are. This is one of the first things that you should be aware of to ensure that you qualify to be a participant and to ensure that you agree with all the rules. When making your submissions, make sure that you have adhered to all the given rules. Failure to do this could see your work getting disqualified.

Do not hand in you work once the deadline has passed. If you learn that the deadline has passed, just move on to another competition. Most likely your work will not be examined after the due date. Therefore, find competitions where you still have plenty of time to submit your work. Avoid last minute hassles by working on your projects early.

Your work should be extraordinary. This does not mean that it should be complicated but just that there should be something that sets it apart from other types of work. It should also be original, so don't get tempted to submit someone else's work and pass it off s your own or copy someone else's ideas.

Having someone else's perspective on your work can be hugely beneficial. The person can point out any mistakes you have made or give you helpful ideas on what to do. Try and get someone who understands art well to critique your work. This will prevent you from making silly mistakes that can see you lose the competition.

Go over work that was submitted by people who won in the past. This is a great way to get a taste of what is expected from the winner. If possible, you can even get in touch with the winners; they can give you some guidance on what they did to help them become winners. This kind of mentoring can make a huge difference in the quality of work you deliver.

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