Sabtu, 16 Februari 2019

Getting A Job As A Dallas Santa For Hire

By Arthur Davis

As the holidays approach each year, you might look for ways to earn extra money. Rather than take a job working at a fast food restaurant or in a retail store, you might want to take a gig that is more relaxed and fun. You also may want something that lets you use your imagination and creativity. Many organizations each year look for people to put on a big red and white suit and assure children that their Christmas wishes will come true. You could earn extra money by working as a Dallas Santa for hire.

Before you take this gig, however, you may want to learn about some of its finer points. To start, you generally have to be a good enough actor to not break character while you are visiting with children. Sometimes children can be challenging to deal with especially as they tell you what they want for Christmas. Regardless of what they say to you, you have to stay in character at all times.

For example, you may want to expect more than a few kids to scream and cry when they see you. For many kids, sitting on a stranger's lap is a frightening experience that brings out the nastiest of temper tantrums. All during the encounter, you have to stay in character and tolerate the noise.

You also are expected to remain level headed when children tell you heartbreaking stories about their own personal lives. Perhaps they will tell you about how they want you to bring back a dead pet or a lost parent. It can be important for you to know how to respond to these requests reasonably and without showing emotions yourself.

Aside from the emotional aspect of the job, you also have to think about the legal aspects of it. Primarily, organizations that hire seasonal Santas often put people through rigorous background checks to make sure they are safe enough to be around children. You may have to submit to one of these checks before being hired.

If you have a criminal record, you may need to disclose the details of it prior to being hired. Crimes that involve assault, burglary, or anything that could put children at risk will generally bar you from employment. However, misdemeanors like speeding may be overlooked and allow you to still be hired.

Finally, the company that employs you may expect you to have good hygiene. You might be asked to brush your teeth thoroughly before coming to work. You also will be required to wear deodorant and wash your face. Children are not accustomed to thinking of the jolly old elf as dirty or unkempt.

If you can satisfy these conditions, you might want to apply to be a temporary Santa Claus during the upcoming holiday season. These types of openings are generally plentiful toward the end of October and start of November. It could allow you to make some extra cash without having to take a job in a fast food joint or retail shop. You also get to have some fun and be creative during it.

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