Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

How to Be a Bartender That's Fantastic

By Thomas Stilwell

If you happen to be reading this article than most likely you aren't sure "how to be a bartender that's out of this world"For those of you who are very experienced bartenders and consider yourself the best in the world...then this isn't for you. This article is for those beginner bartenders out there. You will learn a few tips to help you up your game and increase your social skills.

Let's find out what the fantastic bartenders do differently than the beginner ones. It can easily be stated that fantastic bartenders are born not made. Bartending focuses heavily on social skills which many people find innate. You either have them or you don't right? On the outside experienced bartenders might make it look easy. But social skills can be learned and bartenders have years of experience perfected their skills.

All you have to do is mix drinks right? If only it were so simple. The truth is, it's not that simple.When you're a bartender you're in the profession of human communication and interaction, less the profession of producing drinks.You might quickly make the point that bartending is 25% creating drinks and 75% communicating with others.

In all reality you could probably give the drink building a lower percentage but that is neither here nor there.With everything said let us get something straight. After reading this article you'll not know definitively how to be a bartender that rocks.

Bartending relies so heavily on social intelligence that it can easily be argued as being an art form.

After finishing this article you should know what to focus on in order to be more sociable. Let's get the show on the road.

--How To Be a Bartender That's Out of This World. --

Rule number one-you have to be likable. It may sound ridiculous. How could someone be more likeable? Isn't that something you either are or aren't?

Yes, it's a well known fact of life but many people are more likeable than others. Don't let this get you down though. Social skills CAN be learned and there are steps you can take to get better as a bartender.

What is one thing you have to do? Stop talking so much! A lot of people yack on and on about nonsense, nothing that you probably care about that is. If you want others to like you, don't do this.

Sadly most of the people won't value half the crap you say. Solution? Talk less.

Make no mistake about it, conversation is an art and in order to increase your likeability you have to master that art form. So here's a golden rule to help you speak less and be liked more.

Have you heard of a term called Conversational Narcissism? Probably not. It was coined by a sociologist named Charles Derber.

When someone is engaging in Conversational Narcissism they are in a constant battle to shift the conversation to focus on themselves.

In order to see Conversational Narcissism during conversation, Derber gave responses to statements in a conversation two different labels.

The two forms of responses include the "shift-response" and also the "support-response".A shift response is when an individual tries to shift the conversation back to themselves.

A support-response is used when the responder keeps the conversation focused on the person of the original statement. Lost? Don't worry, let's look at an example explaining the process.

Jack: I'm really tired.

Heather: Oh, I just ate. (Shift-response) Here Heather is changing the flow of the conversation to focus on her.

Jack: I'm really tired

Mary: When did you eat last? (support-response) Here Mary keeps the focus of the dialogue on John.

John: God, I'm so angry at Mike.

Heather: Yea I'm glad I bought a new car. (shift-response)

Jack: Man, I'm really not happy with Mike.

Heather: Why? What did he do to you? (support-response)

Easy enough right? So here's the expert tip regarding how to be a bartender that's actually likeable.

Use more support responses than shift responses. Its that simple. The other person in the conversation will naturally end up talking more and you will talk less.

Nine times out of ten when someone does most of the talking about themselves they will think the conversation went great.

What does that mean for you? They are going to like you because of it.

Now that you got this tip down, start listening to other peoples interactions with one another.

Practice on how to be a bartender with good social skills and you will learn how to be a bartender that's fantastic.

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